
Recognizing Hoary Alyssum

Have you spotted hoary alyssum on your property or in your hay? While its effects can vary from mild to severe - it’s best to remove it at the first sighting. 

Have you spotted hoary alyssum on your property or in your hay? While its effects can vary from mild to severe – it’s best to remove it at the first sighting. 


  • Clustered white flowers with pale yellow centre
  • Leaves sitting close to the stem
  • Seed pods along the stem that will produce several round. black seeds each
  • Fuzzy looking branches
  • Grows to around 30″ high


Hoary Alyssum is most often found in dry climates and prefers rocky soil & direct sunlight. If the plant is not removed before going to seed, it will spread from Spring into Fall and return each year. Here in British Columbia it’s most common in the South-Central region of the province.

Signs of Ingestion

Symptoms will typically appear within 24 hours and may include:

  • Fever
  • Laminitis
  • Swelling in your horses’s legs (stocking up)

If you believe your horse has consumed hoary alyssum and is experiencing toxicity, reach out to your vet for support.

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